The whole Chicago flashmob thing has been hugely disappointing - first of all, there hasn't been a flashmob yet, even though over 400 people have apparently signed up to be on the email list. The first mob is being carefully planned for August 29th - over three weeks from now! - by which late date the whole phenomenon will surely be as passé as my shiny new blog.
Then yesterday the moderators of the discussion list changed the settings so that only moderators can post to the whole group. Talk about a power grab! In one fell swoop they squelched the debate, cut the lines of communication, and consolidated control within the hands of the nameless/shameless moderators. One thing they haven't consolidated: my participation. (If you like, though, you can be herded by clicking here.)
I wonder if mobs elsewhere have been organized in the same way, a couple of individuals directing large groups with the help of network technologies. Not exactly the display of technology-induced hive behavior that's been advertised. And as I've said before, not exactly a mob either...
London flashmobbing seems to be going all right, though invoking the spirit of Python strikes me as presumptuous.
Here's a good one.
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