October 14, 2003

God willing  

Turns out the Supreme Court will rule on whether the pledge of allegiance is an unconsitutional imposition on public school students because of the phrase "under god". It'll be interesting to see how the court rules - when the 9th Circuit decision came out, politicians and media alike were quick to distance themselves, which suggests the American people might not be ready to excise god from the pledge. But to me it seems very natural, and my own casual observations are that folks my age tend to agree, even if they're religious.

By the way, can anybody explain to me whether god should or should not be capitalized? If it's capitalized, it seems to me a particular kind of god is indicated, namely from one of the monothestic religions. But not to capitalize it where I didn't above seems wrong too, because - let's not kid ourselves - we're really talking Somebody in particular, right?

language hat  {October 20, 2003}

Depends if you're looking on it in terms of style or philosophy. If the former, then capitalize it; Words Into Type has a typical formulation: "Cap all names or appellations of a supreme being, of prophets, and of the Virgin Mary." If the latter, then let your faith or lack of it guide you in these deep waters.

Gabrielle Hansen  {November 12, 2008}


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