June 15, 2003

Greatly exaggerated  

So it's been 2 wks since I've written an entry here, amazingly enough I survived all my finals, even the group work, but I still haven't figured out what I'm doing with my summer. Possibilities at the moment range from obscure language study to a couple of rather dry sounding Washington policy internships. If anybody has any ideas, I'm all ears. I fully expect to be posting on a daily basis now, so I'll keep you updated.

In the meantime, it looks like I've missed some of the biggest news weeks of the year, besides maybe the buildup and the Iraq conflict. I'll just point out one bit that particularly interested me - the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire has gone and elected an openly homosexual bishop, although I understand the House of Bishops still has to agree if it's actually going to happen. I'm excited about the prospect of a serious debate hitting the upper reaches of a major denomination (plus I have a special interest because the Episocpal Church is my alma mater, so to speak). I don't know anything about the fellow in question - reading the article leads me to suspect their main reason for selecting him was his homosexuality, but I suppose that's not such a bad thing. I'll be posting more on this story as the debate comes to a boil...


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