April 1, 2003

Blast from the past  

Noticed today that another one of my former columnists at the Indiana Daily Student has a political blog... Scott Tibbs was my controversial conservative every Monday morning. There are others - Laura Taflinger is here and Tony Manifold/Caroselli used to have a blog - but they don't seem to deal with political issues.

I find it interesting that it's the conservative columnists who are still actively writing opinions - it's not at all what I would have expected at the time. It's hard to know whether this is part of some broader trend. I can tell you that before I started blogging, I was convinvced that there were more conservatives and libertarians blogging than liberals... but now I feel completely unable to make that kind of assessment. Anybody have a sense? I guess the talking dog has made some effort to classify people, but that list may not be extensive enough.


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