February 28, 2003
No more than contingency plans
Nicholas Kristof's latest column about NK is really disturbing. There aren't a lot of specifics, but he seems to think the Bush admin is closer to a military approach than we've been led to believe.
The hawk faction believes that the U.S. as a last resort could make a surgical strike, even without South Korean consent, and that Kim Jong Il would not commit suicide by retaliating. The hawks may well be right. Then again, they may be wrong. And if they're wrong, it would be quite a mistake.I hadn't read much of Kristof before the past couple of months, but his reporting and analysis on North Korea has been superb. Apart from Josh Marshall, I haven't read anybody else who really seems to take this issue seriously - everyone else seems to be distracted by Iraq. But Kristof is well connected, and he seems to have a real sensitivity ot the issues involved.[...] Ironically, the gravity of the situation isn't yet fully understood in either South Korea or Japan, partly because they do not think this administration would be crazy enough to consider a military strike against North Korea. They're wrong.
I know some wow gold in wow.
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