Who is that man behind the curtain?
The Talking Dog has been so kind as to link to my site in his Dog Run, which has provided me with instructive descriptions of some great political weblogs. His description was kind enough (although now that I've altered the URL it's no longer current), but it did make me realize that I haven't explained who I am, or what I'm after with this site. Like I explained below, what I'm after is still a little murky, but who I am shouldn't be so hard. A capsule should go something like this:
This is the weblog of one Paul Goyette, currently a graduate student in public policy at the University of Chicago, but with curiosities and ambitions well beyond public political spheres. Most recently he completed the libretto for a children's opera entitled The Trio of Minuet, to premiere in Indianapolis this May. Before that he was a semi-willing employee of the Social Security Administration, where he failed to use his degree in Russian and Comparative Literature. When he grows up, he'd love to be a big-time jazz pianist, but in the meantime he's available for hire to those with less exacting musical taste and/or knowledge.
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