March 5, 2004

Smoke signals  

Just a brief, pissed off post to say: what the fuck is wrong with the University of Chicago? The email system has been down for almost a day now, for everyone at the university. And it's not the first time: last year the system went down for a couple days right in the middle of finals week. Are they just too cheap to roll out a reliable system? This kind of thing never happened when I was at Indiana University, and that was 5 years ago.

I think the problem is actually institutional: they don't seem to recognize that there are (why not put it in terms they'll understand?) serious returns to scale in system administration. So for instance, each school maintains its own computer clusters, and there's no strong, expert central authority. What they need is a good dose of command and control, and I told them as much in an email last year. But of course, I can't print their response, since the server is down...


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