I haven't mentioned it here in a while, but I've been quietly updating the chicago blogmap for the past few months, and it's up to 125 blogs (not bad, though I suspect there are several hundred in the city). Anyway today I got an interesting request to link to a couple of blogs attached to businesses here in Chicago. I did so - it's been my policy not to ask questions about why people want a link, or even whether they really live in Chicago - but it did give me pause. By linking to these blogs, am I contributing in some way to their business? And if so, is there something wrong with that? Adding a link to the Blair Hull blog a couple months back made me similarly uncomfortable, but in that case at least I could feel like I was providing a public service (and anyway, it doesn't look like their strategy had much of an effect).
Just curious what people think about this. I should point out that I don't mean to disparage the blogs in question, which are actually kind of fun.
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