September 21, 2004

Physics envy  

1. According to statistical analysis of traffic patterns in Israel, there is an increase in traffic fatalities after terrorist attacks -- but only on the third day following an attack. The article discusses a parallel phenomenon following well-publicized suicides, but doesn't supply any compelling explanation.

2. Modern forensic evidence suggests that Rasputin was actually killed by Oswald Rayner, a British spy -- although he probably contributed only the deathblow, after other conspirators had incapacitated the infamous Russian mystic.

3. Meanwhile, Sean Carroll (after Umberto Eco) dicusses the scientific approach as a series of open minded guesses designed "to sift through the interesting alternatives and decide which works the best."

4. And Lenka Reznicek has posted a tasty looking (and vegetarian!) recipe for imam bayildi. Can anyone recommend a good Turkish place in Chicago that doesn't focus on roasted meats?


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