January 3, 2005

Type A  

Lenka Reznicek has the skinny on the new tallest building in the world, Taipei 101. Her post has an adorable title, many informative links, and this provocative quote:

In the West, a tall building demands respect and attention from the spectators. To the Asians, it symbolizes a broader understanding and anticipation of things to come: we "climb" in order to "see further".
What, no Freud in Asia? I suppose it's easier to be optimistic without him.

Lenka  {January 3, 2005}

Alas, sometimes a skyscraper is just a skyscraper. ;) Thank you for the link, Paul, and Happy New Year!

paul  {January 3, 2005}

I don't know if Freud is always involved, but I feel comfortable saying a skyscraper is never just a skyscraper...

Happy New Year to you too, Lenka!

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