January 3, 2005
Lenka Reznicek has the skinny on the new tallest building in the world, Taipei 101. Her post has an adorable title, many informative links, and this provocative quote:
In the West, a tall building demands respect and attention from the spectators. To the Asians, it symbolizes a broader understanding and anticipation of things to come: we "climb" in order to "see further".What, no Freud in Asia? I suppose it's easier to be optimistic without him.
Alas, sometimes a skyscraper is just a skyscraper. ;) Thank you for the link, Paul, and Happy New Year!
I don't know if Freud is always involved, but I feel comfortable saying a skyscraper is never just a skyscraper...
Happy New Year to you too, Lenka!
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