1. Jean Veronis compiles some interesting statistical evidence about the number of pages Google indexes in French vis-a-vis some of the other search engines. The provocative conclusion is that Google's strategy seems to be to focus on the English speaking web, while Yahoo and Microsoft are taking a longer view.
2. Thanks to Mithras for pointing out the invaluable MyBlogLog, a simple javascript tool that allows you to see which links on your site get clicked, and how many times. It's simple and free, as long as you don't get too much traffic.
3. Jessa Crispin of Bookslut fame has started a new online food magazine that looks very promising. One of the first articles warns against putting your booze in the freezer on the grounds that getting ice and liquor to an equilibrium temperature is central to cocktail-making. I say OK, but what if you want to do vodka shots?
4. In light of this post, here's an article about a fourth grader who recently began identifying as a male rather than as a female, with his parents' blessing. Said the school superintendent: "There is a medical condition that exists here, and this is not something irresponsible on the part of the parents. These are wonderful parents who care very, very deeply about their child."
5. And congratulations to Barrett over at Too Many Chefs -- his Mexican black bean tart recipe (which I'm lucky enough to have tasted, and it's delicious) made it into this article on food blogs in the Tennessean.
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