June 16, 2005
1. After posting some altered pictures of Bush and guns to flickr to protest the Secret Service's reaction to this exhibition, Chicagoan Jeremy Lassen was visited by some Secret Service agents at his place of work. His story is here. [via Gapers Block]
2. Meanwhile, this bar of soap on display at an art fair in Switzerland was made from the liposuctioned fat of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The article claims that most soap is made from pig fat (and maybe it is in some places) but this seems to indicate that today soap is usually made with non-fat-based detergents. [via 3quarksdaily]
the soap thing is repulsive... what kind of art could that possibley be?
To me it seems like your typical "clever" conceptual art, but not particularly subtle, and stolen shamelessly from Fight Club and probably other places. What disturbs me most about it is that Berlusconi's liposuctioned fat was publicly available...
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