Not the preferred nomenclature
Last week Bill Poser and Geoff Pullum marveled at the strangeness of Michael Tortorello's use of the word micturate (and I don't disagree), but I've since found that a surprising number of my acquaintances know the word, even if they don't use it regularly. Meanwhile I was already familiar with it because of its appearance in The Big Lebowski, and of course I've learned not to underestimate the ability of a cult movie to motivate usage.
Also, I think Bill's numbers (in Ghits) for usage of pissed in this sense might be slightly off, because while he subtracts out cases of pissed off, he doesn't seem to take into account cases of pissed X off, of which there are over a million. Of course, that search isn't perfect either, as it would probably catch, for instance, the first clause of this paragraph.
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