July 13, 2006

Hysterical left-wing propaganda  

Steve Snyder is a graphic artist (and friend of the family), and he recently sent along a series of good old fashioned political posters he did about our fine president and the state of things. Click the thumbnails to expand. I also have these in PDF format if anyone wants to print them big. He asked me to mention that these are freely available, but they are copyrighted and not to be reprinted for profit.

By the way, this is the same Steve Snyder whose painting is detailed in the banner up top.

stAllio!  {July 14, 2006}

there's nothing better than a poster-sized grammatical error.

other than that, though, there's some good work here.

paul  {July 14, 2006}

Hmmm, yeah, that's pretty bad. Odd that I missed it -- wouldn't have posted it otherwise. Oh well.

suttonhoo  {July 14, 2006}

yeah -- well -- art heals, even when it's misspelled. (thanks for posting these.)

jackie  {July 16, 2006}

i missed the spelling error too. anyway, i like the last one quite a bit.

ceenasumqeas  {August 7, 2008}


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