September 11, 2006

Wanted (dead or alive)  

Wow, five years since September 11. I've read some posts and articles talking about the profound changes we've seen since and others saying there hasn't been as much change as expected. I suppose both are true. On the one hand, there is our identity -- the whole idea of America and what it represents has changed -- and on the other hand our day to day lives are pretty much the same as ever. It's strange that that's even possible in the modern world, but apparently it is.

I didn't write anything on the first anniversary of Katrina, although it was an event I had (and still have) very strong feelings about. I expected the destruction of New Orleans to motivate change in domestic and possibly environmental policy in the same way 9/11 has led us to rearrange our security and international priorities. That hasn't happened, of course, and I suppose it was naive to think it would (certainly people told me so at the time).


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