September 20, 2006

Unintentional grounding  

Kudos to Harvard for eliminating early admission and to Princeton for following suit. I predict that other top tier institutions will begin to do the same, but that the rank and file schools will only eliminate the practice once US News changes its college ranking algorithm -- which it will, once the top tier schools' rankings begin to drift because their offer yield-stats decline. It's amazing that a simple stat like the offer-yield could result in a widespread admissions practice that, considered on its own, creates clear disadvantages for large groups of students. And it's impressive to see institutions at the top take steps that aren't in their own interest to eliminate these disadvantages simply because it's the right thing to do.

Other recent examples of this last game-busting phenomenon are Walmart choosing to promote compact flourescent light bulbs and Warren Buffett gifting most of his net worth to the Gates Foundation.


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