November 6, 2007

A seat at the table  

This is interesting:

A member of the executive council of South Carolina's Democratic party told CNN that he felt pressure to oppose comedian Stephen Colbert's bid to join the Democratic primary in his home state by prominent supporters of Barack Obama's campaign. It has been acknowledged by at least two prominent supporters of the Senator's bid that they made calls to the State Party pleading with them to exclude Colbert's name from the ballot.
The post goes on to suggest that Obama might have had the most to lose from a Colbert appearance on the ballot because they share support from similar demographic groups. I wonder: doesn't that also mean Obama would have the most to lose from manhandling him? Humorless Democrats haven't fared too well in the last two elections.

paul  {November 8, 2007}

not too much. what's up with you?

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