December 12, 2007

Stereo on and cooking bacon  

Sorry for the sudden disappearance! I should be back to posting regularly now. Basically things got a little crazy with a couple photography projects I've been working on, and then we were out of town for a couple days. The good news is I've finally seen the light and started using an RSS aggregator, so maybe I'll be able to keep up with things a little bit better.

suttonhoo  {December 13, 2007}

changes everything, doesn't it? :)

tip: you can subscribe to flickr contact feeds, too.

paul  {December 16, 2007}

it's definitely better. there's no way i'll use it to track flickr contacts though... in fact, flickr and its beautiful built in contact tracking functionality is a lot of the reason why i've never been satisfied with rss readers... all the ones i've been able to find are so inelegant. but i'm swallowing my medicine now.

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