Barrett and his family visited us this past weekend, and he was good enough to assemble the above caprese salad for us (it was delicious). The orange and green tomatoes you see above are from the Oak Park farmers market, while the red one is one of the last from our garden this year.
Because we were away so much this summer, the tomato harvest was considerably smaller than it had been the previous couple years. Also, I think because we chose our tomato varieties poorly, they weren't nearly as tasty either. The heirlooms above, by contrast, were some of the best I remember ever eating. My goal at the farmers market next week will be to try a few more heirlooms, get their names, and possibly even keep some of their seeds for next year's garden. If anybody has any advice on how best to accomplish this last item, please share!
UPDATE: My dad writes:
Your grandfather used to save seeds. He just put them on a napkin to dry out and, once dry, put them in an envelope and then planted them in house in the spring time (he used to use milk cartons as planters). I think it is that simple. I only remember this with tomato seeds. (If you do that with heirlooms and they come up, give me a couple).
wow, yum. i've started chopping my caprese salads - i chop everything up into about 1/2'' cubes... then add olive oil, kosher salt, ground pepper, and a couple splashes of balsamic. yum
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