Thank God the debates are over. I for one have had a hard time sitting through them, just because the stakes seem so high and I'm so committed in one direction. Friends have said, "It will be fun to see the debates," and I've had to respond that the suspense of it has taken all the fun out of it for me. I've even felt that there was something a little odd about it when a friend invited me over for a debate party, because this kind of stomach churning torture just doesn't seem like an occasion for a party.
Maybe I need to lighten up, and I certainly can now that the debates are over. As it turns out Obama, while he may not have had a reputation as a great debater before now, was able to approach all three debates with a strategy and an approach that have taken him from being an unknowable other to being both the comfortable choice and a far less risky alternative than his opponent. The strategy was masterful and the execution was pitch perfect throughout, and by all appearances he's going to run away with this thing now, with the only outstanding question being whether or not his coattails will get the Democrats to 60 seats in the senate -- unlikely if you look at current polling, but that may well change after tonight.
As usual Andrew Sullivan rounds up the debate reactions, and picks a very cool photo for the top of the post. I wish I had access to Getty to illustrate my posts.
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